Knowledge Centre

Explore our publications, from annual reports, commissioned research papers and violence monitoring reports covering all workstreams and regions.

News & Blogs

British High Commissioner Neil Wigan Witnesses Gender-Focused Transformation in Garissa

British High Commissioner Neil Wigan visited Garissa County to witness the remarkable impact of the REINVENT Programme. Focused on enhancing the agency and role of women and girls in peace and security, the programme is redefining approaches to tackling gender-based violence (GBV) across the county and the Northeast region at large.

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Group Photo-several people standing in a line posing for a group photo

celebrating 24 years of uNSCR 1325:a reflection on women,peace and security in eastern & southern africa

The month of October 2024 marked the 24th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325—a groundbreaking moment that put women at the heart of peace processes. But anniversaries are not merely dates on the calendar; they’re chances to reflect on what’s been achieved, assess what still needs to be done, and renew commitments for the future. In Nairobi, at a regional symposium hosted by Kenya’s State Department for Gender alongside the REINVENT Programme, UN Women, and JICA, stakeholders from across Eastern and Southern Africa came together to do just that.

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On November 3, our REINVENT team had the honour of welcoming the King and Queen of the United Kingdom in Mombasa to showcase some of REINVENT’s interfaith work and to present the programme’s work to support survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, as part of Their Majesties' royal visit to Kenya.

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Annual Reports

This report covers the third year of REINVENT (April 2021-March 2022).During year three, we conducted our mid-term review, , finding that significant progress has been made towards Logframe targets and that the programme continues to provide a major contribution to addressing peace and security...

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This report covers year 2 (April 2020 – March 2021) of the REINVENT programme marked by shifting dynamics to Kenya’s peace and security, COVID-19 and a tumultuous impending electoral environment. Notwithstanding the challenges posed by remote working and recalibration of workplans, we successfully retained all partners, whose strong capacity has enabled them to attract other funders, including FCDO’s other programmes. Read here the summarised version...

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This report covers the fourth year of REINVENT (April 2022-March 2023). During year four of implementation, we focused on strengthening the institutional capacity of key Government institutions to deliver elections in an environment free of violence, community preparedness for a peaceful election, and securing commitment to reform under new leadership...

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Stories of Change and Case Studies

For more than three decades, survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Laikipia have struggled to access the medical, legal and psychosocial support required when seeking justice. To address this problem, REINVENT has helped setting up POLICARE, a modern centre that caters for the needs of SGBV survivors by improving access to justice and providing them with dignity.

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Historically, women in Wajir and the larger Northeastern region have long remained invisible in spaces where decisions are made that affect their lives and safety. But in 2020, this all changed when REINVENT worked with local female leaders to form the Wajir Women Council of Elders. Three years on, the Council has become a role model for championing women’s rights and justice.

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Women Concern Centre, a local community-based organisation supported by the UK-funded REINVENT Programme, are working with the Luo Council of Elders to support widows who have been dispossessed and evicted from their homes. Between 2020 and 2022, the council has handled over 40 cases - and resolved over 15 that restored the land, property and dignity of many women. 

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Following years of advocacy and strategic support, Bungoma County has now developed and launched its inaugural Gender Mainstreaming Policy, drawing from the Jamii Thabiti prototype and REINVENT’s continued guidance. This marks a significant step toward embedding gender equality into the county’s development framework.

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Commissioned Studies

This study provides an in-depth understanding of different religious schools of thought proclaimed by preachers and other religious agents in Lamu and Tana River counties over the recent years.

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This report presents the findings of a study into violent extremist (VE) activity in areas of Kenya not historically associated with extremist radicalization and recruitment. While the report does not offer precise figures on the extent of VE in the study locations, it offers details on the nature of communal vulnerabilities, and explores the potential for radicalization and recruitment activities in these communities.

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This study provides an in-depth understanding of different religious schools of thought proclaimed by preachers and other religious agents in the selected counties over recent years. We are convinced that an epistemological inquiry into existing schools of thought among religious leaders and the mapping of major influencers can help in formulating appropriate programming activities at the local and national level to constrict the space in which violent extremist groups operate.

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Elections provide an opportunity for those opposed to democracy to undermine their adversaries and promote their own agenda. With Kenya’s 2022 elections as a case study, this paper explores how and why al Shabaab might try to influence democratic processes.

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Learning Papers

Digitisation of Police Arms Registers in four counties:

The Amaya Triangle where Baringo borders Samburu, Laikipia, Isiolo and West Pokot Counties provides a rich pilot site for exploring community safety and security programming in fragile, conflict and violence affected settings (FCVAS). This learning paper highlights lessons emerging from the pilot phase and the implications for how peacebuilders design inter-communal peacebuilding interventions.

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Understanding Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) within Hidden Conflict Contexts:

REINVENT Programme worked with African Women and Child Future Services (AWCFS) to undertake a pilot study to understand how socio-cultural norms and harmful practices, unequal power relations, and patriarchy make women and girls vulnerable to violence such as child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), girl-beading...

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Localization of Multi-Agency Approaches for Security Response and Coordination:

The REINVENT Programme worked with the Baringo County Security Intelligence Committee (CSIC) to engage strategic groups i.e. reformed warriors, elders, women and youth leaders, grazing committees and community peace and security committees to promote bottom-up approaches for sustainable peace. Using a tripartite approach, the activities in this pilot intervention should...

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Expanding Community Conversations on Peace and Security:

The REINVENT Programme worked with CSI-Kenya to implement a pilot intervention using the Targeted Dialogue Approach to understand the underlying drivers of recurrent cross border violence in Laikipia, Baringo, Isiolo, West Pokot and Samburu counties and how the availability and proliferation of small arms and light weapons among these communities exacerbate conflict.

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Countering Violent Extremism Through Targeted Support to Lamu County Government:

In the coastal region, Lamu remains one of the most affected counties and thus fits within the framework of fragile, conflict and violence affected settings (FCVAS) due to radicalisation, extremism and terror activities posed by the Al Shabaab group. In response to the growing insecurity in the county as well as the problem of radicalisation and recruitment into VE, the REINVENT...

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The REINVENT Programme developed an extensive database to track various forms of violence, including public disorder, violent extremism, sexual and gender-based violence, and intercommunal conflicts. This brief provides an in-depth analysis of the programme’s monitoring efforts, emphasizing the importance of ongoing context tracking to ensure interventions remain relevant and effective in the rapidly evolving landscape of violence across the country.

This paper provides a critical review of evolving peacebuilding strategies shaped by Kenya’s digitally engaged youth. It examines recent protests driven by economic grievances and demands for government accountability, emphasising how digital activism amplifies youth voices, facilitates real-time organisation, and holds leaders to account.

Cross Workstream Research

REINVENT Inception Assessment Summary:

This report captures and distils findings from secondary and primary data analysis undertaken between July-August 2019 as part of the inception phase of the REINVENT Programme. The assessment commenced in mid-July 2019 and involved a sample of 700 key informants at national, regional, county and community levels as primary data.

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Reinvent Programme Baseline Survey Spreads

The purpose of the baseline study was to collect qualitative and quantitative data to show the current safety and security situation in the RE-INVENT Programme counties. The specific objectives were to establish the baseline for the programme’s performance indicators and to collect information relevant to the RE-INVENT Programme.

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Covid-19 Response Findings from Perception Survey-Bulletin 02:

At the time of this survey, a total of 14 out of 18 REINVENT target counties have reported positive cases as at 29th June 2020. REINVENT, therefore, thought it was important to gauge public perception by conducting a community safety and security perception survey to gather insights on gaps, implications and opportunities for action.

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Conflict Analysis on The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic in Marsabit County:

The first case of COVID-19 was reported in Marsabit County on 7th June 2020. Though the rate of infection in the county is currently low, there exists increased levels of mistrust and stigma towards people from perceived hotspot areas such as Nairobi and Mandera counties. REINVENT considers the pandemic control and mitigation efforts as opportune for the mainstreaming of peace and cohesion into all sectors of governance and development in Marsabit County.

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Rapid Conflict Analysis in The Context of Covid-19 Turkana and Pokot Counties:

Turkana borders South Sudan to the north and Ethiopia to the north east while West Pokot borders Baringo County to the east, Elgeyo Marakwet to the south east and Trans Nzoia County to the South. Conflicts between Turkana and West Pokot are mainly experienced along the shared border areas of Lokiriama, Nauyapong, Alale, Turkwel, Kainuk and other surrounding areas also known as the conflict corridor. REINVENT programme compiled this brief...

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Covid-19 Response Community Safety-Bulletin 01:

This context analysis highlights the state of community safety and security and emerging dynamics of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic since the declaration of the national curfew on 28th March 2020 to date.

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Arms & Ammunition: Control & Inventory Management Procedures for kenya Police service

This study was made possible by the contribution of several institutions and individuals. We appreciate the partnership with the Kenya National Focal Point on Small Arms and Light Weapons…

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Pocket Guide To Election Security

Provision of security during an election process is a key component of ensuring credible elections and meeting the Constitutional requirements. The key…

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Election Security Manual: Manual for Police commaders

The role played by the police during elections cannot be underestimated. A secure electoral environment is crucial to ensuring the overall integrity of the electoral…

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REINVENT, UN Women, and NGEC partnered to monitor the participation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)—women, youth, PWDs, and marginalized groups—in Kenya’s 2022 elections. The report highlights their roles as voters, candidates, and observers, while addressing challenges such as accessibility, underfunded campaigns, and electoral malpractices. It offers actionable recommendations to promote inclusivity, security, and fairness in future elections.

The police are crucial in addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV), often serving as the first point of contact for survivors. To improve responses, the REINVENT Programme, in collaboration with the National Police Service (NPS), developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This document is an essential resource for police officers and partners, supporting standardised, professional, and compassionate handling of GBV cases across Kenya.