Our impact
Since its inception, REINVENT Programme continues to record achievements across workstreams, regions and partnerships.
Our direct beneficiaries- persons who have directly interacted in our engagements and through our downstream partners’ events and interventions continue to increase while our indirect beneficiaries – those we engage through our national collaborating agencies and the entire country that benefits from the positive results that emerge from our technical support to national agencies provide positive feedback on the impact of REINVENT interventions.
Explore our violence monitoring report
Key Impact Areas
Police Reforms Progress:
REINVENT’s status as the key interlocuter of the Kenya-UK Security Compact allows the programme to serve as a trusted intermediary between key peace and security actors and communities, continues to complement and support national peacebuilding commitments. We developed the first-ever National Police Service Delivery Index- a baseline for police service making police reforms a reality, including increased Government budgetary allocation in the financial year 2022-2023.
Community centered conflict mediation works:
Our peacebuilding work continues to demonstrate how successful conflict mediation efforts require the involvement of communities that are well primed to address the drivers of conflict, instability violence and insecurity in a manner that brings accountability. We are working with County Security Intelligence Committees (CSICs), Gender Technical Working Groups and peace committees in conflict-affected counties with a focus on bringing dialogue, conflict resolution and restoring community-police relations.
Community safety and violence reduction trends:
REINVENT’s programming is informed by continuous monitoring, evaluation, research and documentation of knowledge on what works in community safety and security. We have launched the first ever national violence monitoring trends analysis.
Distinct convening power:
The REINVENT team’s exceptional convening power creates opportunities for diverse audiences to exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas necessary for sustainable solutions to conflict, violence and insecurity. We serve as a neutral platform for bringing together Government and Non-State actors, elected and appointed leaders and diverse institutions to collaborate, and make Kenya a safer and more prosperous nation.
Case studies
Sustaining Commitment and Progress on Police Reforms
When directors and regional commissioners met to review the police reforms index, the extent to which the exercise would gain meaningful traction was uncertain given negative perceptions around NPS’ commitment to reforms. But during the deliberations – attended by the Inspector General of Police and the Deputy Inspector of Police – the consensus was the need to scale performance across all formations guided by the vision for a police service that is citizen-centric, responsive and professional.
The support of REINVENT goes beyond bringing together all actors together to work on the NPS re-organisation strategy alongside delivering key policy documents like the NPS Gender Policy. The technical support continues to build the confidence across all key stakeholders, and this has seen REINVENT as the most trusted ally in the police reforms agenda.
Towards Priceless Dignity:
To mark the 2021 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, REINVENT held a webinar on the changing nature of Sexual and Gender Based Violence crimes and attacks and the experience on practioners. We were the first non-State intervention to develop a gendered version of a Violence Monitoring report and brought together the State Department of Gender, the NPS, the National Gender Equality Commission, and the National Crimes Research Centre. The webinar also featured the experience from our downstream partner Sauti Ya Wanawake on their experience of running the Mombasa Situation Room. REINVENT stood out as the peace and security convener that is best positioned to support state data collection and analysis on crime, violence, and insecurity, as well as driving approaches towards tackling, deterrence, and early warning. In Year 4, we plan to build on this work to strengthen a national reporting system on SGBV crimes.
Community Dialogue Forums for Peace
REINVENT has worked in the coastal counties of Tana River, Kwale, Mombasa, Kilifi counties supporting peace committees to address conflict driven by historical grievance on marginalisation, inequitable access to resources, and the threat of radicalisation. Through our downstream partner KECOSCE we have been able to strengthen peace committees in Mombasa and Kwale counties and link their work with CSIC to ensure there is robust early warning and response on the capacity to deter retaliatory inter-community attacks. The result has been better inter-community dialogues to resolve triggers of conflict and enhance inter-community relations. REINVENT applies experience and long-term partnerships to promote inclusive, sustained peacebuilding processes.
Securing Elections
REINVENT brought together diverse actors and agencies to develop a comprehensive Elections Security Manual for the NPS. We highlighted the need to interrogate and design appropriate responses on the fragility of political actors and parties, and their key role in incitement of violence, as well as the need for measured police response. REINVENT’S convening power is therefore connecting actors from across the political spectrum to tackle the challenge of violence and disorder in the electoral cycle, and to establish a new election security architecture.